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Legacy & Honorary Giving

Members of the First Folio Society have generously included Chicago Shakespeare in their estate plans. The Theater honors their thoughtful commitment to our future.

Andy Atlass
Mary and Nick Babson
Joan Israel Berger
David W. Carpenter and Orit K. Carpenter
in memory of David W. Carpenter
Marilyn Darnall
Kathy Dunn
La and Philip Engel
Michael Goldberger
Linda D. and Craig C. Grannon
Barbara Joabson
Dr. Anne McCreary Juhasz
Judy and John Keller
Mr. and Mrs. Martin J. Koldyke
Anstiss Hammond Krueck
Anne E. Kutak
Michael Charles Litt
Ernie Mahaffey

Ray and Judy McCaskey
Jonathan F. Orser
Mark Ouweleen and Sarah Harding
Sheila Penrose
Barbara Petersen
Chuck Simanek and Edna Burke
Craig Sirles
Michael and Sharon Sloan
Steve and Robin Solomon
David and Ingrid Stallé
Sandra Sweet and Mira Frohnmayer
Susan Tennant
Helen and Richard Thomas
Gayle and Glenn R. Tilles
Linda Vertrees
Frank T. Wheby
Stuart and Diana Widman
Anonymous (3)

Chicago Shakespeare gratefully acknowledges the following estates that have provided gifts of bequests.

Stuart Abelson
Evelyn D. and John W. Barriger
George W. Blossom III
Carol Irma Chapman
Nancy Cleary
Nelson D. Cornelius
S.M. Evans
J. Friedman
Edith B. Gaines
Anne J. Hackett Estate
Julie and Parker Hall

Dick Hurckes
Corinne E. Johnson
Sherry Ferrill Kelley 1996 Trust
William Lawrence
Kathleen and Joseph Madden
Estate of Joyce E. Malden
Peggy Morrow
Harold H. Plaut
Mary Lee Reed Trust
Carol Verblen Senderowitz
Rose L. Shure and Sidney N. Shure

Join our First Folio Society and bring the magic of live theater to families for generations to come. To learn more about including Chicago Shakespeare in your estate plans, contact [email protected] or 312.667.4971.