
James Thierrée’s

The Toad Knew

September 19 - 23, 2017

The Yard at Chicago Shakespeare

A World’s Stage Production
from France

Ofélie Crispin

Ofélie Crispin Born to parents from Martinique and Catalonia, Ofélie grew up in a household with wide-ranging musical tastes, which had a great impact on her musical education and prompted her to become a professional singer. At 9 years old, she joined a music academy where she learned to play saxophone and joined the choir. At age 17, she made her professional debut as a dancer in a successful musical. During her time on the road, she mastered her skills in singing, musical composition, and songwriting.  She is a multi-faceted artist and over the years has collaborated on various projects as a singer, writer, dancer, and performer, inspired by and inspiring the choreographers, directors, and producers she has met on her travels. She has worked with Nicolas Briancon (Théâtre de la Porte Saint Martin/Festival d’Anjou), Pierre Francois Martin Laval (Bobino), Thierry Mugler (Comédia), Stephane Jarny (Folies Bergères), Prince, Carolin Petit, and Nils Tavernier.

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