
James Thierrée’s

The Toad Knew

September 19 - 23, 2017

The Yard at Chicago Shakespeare

A World’s Stage Production
from France

Hervé Lassïnce

Hervé Lassïnce trained at the Conservatoire National d'Art Dramatique in Créteil and then at the École des Enfants Terribles. Previous productions include Volpone by Jules Romain and Stephan Zweig, directed by Renato Ribeiro for the festival of Avignon Off in 1998; In Les Troyennes by Seneca, directed by Francine Eymery at the Théâtre de l'Opprimé, and in Les Nuits du Hampton-Club by André Mouessi-Eon, directed by Olivier Balazuc. In 2000, he was spotted by Jérôme Deschamps and Macha Makeïeff, and first appeared in the Deschiens on Canal + series, the beginning of a long collaboration both in theater and in opera. In 2009, he played Rodolfo in Angelo, Tyrant of Padua by Victor Hugo, directed by Christophe Honoré for the Festival d'Avignon. Other select productions include Plato’s Banquet, directed by Juliette Deschamps at the Auditorium du Louvre; King-Lear, directed by Laurent Fréchuret ; The Man Who Ate the World, directed by Olivier Martinaud for the NAVA festival; Les Apaches, directed by Macha Makeïeff, created at the Théâtre de la Criée in Marseille; Berthollet , directed by Mathieu Bertholet; and Seascape, directed by Jacques Lasalle for the NAVA festival. He has appeared in films including Paparazzi, The Corsican Inquiry of Alain Berberian, Les Gaous, Red Lights, L'Italie, Monsieur Lapin, Darling, Tu veux ou tu veux pas, as well as on television (PJ, Venus and Apollo, Interpol, Julie Lescaut, Chez Maupassant, etc.).  Hervé Lassïnce is also a photographer.

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