
Short Shakespeare!


January 22

March 5, 2011

in CST's Courtyard Theater

by William Shakespeare
adapted and directed by David H. Bell

How Insulting

Shakespeare wrote beautiful poetry...and some incredible insults! Gather together and have some fun as you read aloud (with feeling!) the insults that the characters from Macbeth sling at each other. And don't just say them once! Play with a few of your favorites and really make them "big"! As you play with the delicious words that Shakespeare gave us, think about a situation that might prompt that specific insult and discuss together.

[Your] horrid image doth unfix my hair. 1.3.135

Your face is as a book, where men / May read strange matters. 1.5.62–63

Infirm of purpose! 2.2.51

Tis said, they eat each other. 2.4.18

Thou art the best o' th'cut-throats. 3.4.16

Never shake / Thy gory locks at me. 3.4.49–50

Thy bones are marrowless, thy blood is cold. 3.4.93

What, you egg! / Young fry of treachery! 4.2.82–83

Fit to govern? / No, not to live. 4.3.102–103

Thou lily-liver'd boy. 5.3.14–15

[This] is a tale / Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, / Signifying nothing. 5.5.26–28

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