
A Midsummer Night's Dream

February 7

April 8, 2012

in CST's Courtyard Theater

by William Shakespeare
directed by Gary Griffin

Additional Resources

A Midsummer Night's Dream, Full Text
A public domain text of the play based upon an 1866 edition. You can read or print the play by scene or in its entirety.

A Midsummer Night's Dream, First Folio Edition
The first Folio is the first published collection of Shakespeare's plays, printed seven years after his death. Compiled by friends of Shakespeare and members of the acting troupe with whom he worked, it is used as the play text by some directors, including CST Artistic Director Barbara Gaines, who view its early punctuation as an invaluable roadmap for actors through the rehearsal process.

Mr. William Shakespeare and the Internet
An excellent place to begin your World Wide Web exploration of Shakespeare. From the latest news in scholarship and performance to historical context of Shakespeare's life and his contemporaries, this site covers the basics of many arenas of inquiry and can point you in the right direction to take your exploration further.

Alexander Schmidt's Shakespeare Lexicon
An online version of the two-volume resource that CST actors rely on in the rehearsal hall. This specialized dictionary allows you to look up almost any word in Shakespeare’s complete works and reference a number of possible meanings, based on where the word appears.

Open Source Shakespeare
This complete collection of Shakespeare's texts allows you to search for a specific word, a phrase, or a character in a play or poem. This valuable resource was developed in 2003 by a U.S. Marine while he was deployed in Kuwait, awaiting orders in the desert.

Shakespeare Birthplace Trust
This site offers information about Shakespeare's life, works and hometown, provided by the non-profit organization that maintains his birthplace and other historic sites. In addition to biographical information, there are activities, suggestions for further reading, and information about events happening in and around Stratford-upon-Avon.

Shakespeare's Globe Online Resources
On the forefront of Shakespearean research, the new Globe Theatre in London has an online resource center full of information on Shakespeare's theater, London in Shakespeare's day, his sources, and modern interpretations of his work.

Explore A Midsummer Night's Dream and learn more about the production.

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